Saturday, April 25, 2015

Metales M5 - A Great Brass Experience at Sacajawea

The Metales M5 Mexican Brass concert was a fantastic experience on Friday afternoon.  Great music!  So engaging for our students.

The Mexican Brass quintet exposed our students to all kinds of different music.  We learned about cannons, fugues, jazz, and they connected music to current topics, such as the scoring of movies.  We learned about the types of musical instruments.

I loved the way the musicians got involved with the audience, even sneaking up on them.  Some of our students were surprised out of their britches to suddenly hear a trombone whispering right behind them.  The tuba player wandered his way right through the audience.  We could see the techniques they used to adjust their tone.

The group was funny.  This gives our kids something to think about, as many of our students will choose to join 6th grade band next year (or the year after for our 4th graders).

This concert was paid for by the Sacajawea PTO and was brought to us by Caldwell Fine Arts.  Thanks for your support.

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