Thursday, February 28, 2019

Sacajawea Elementary Celebrates Dr. Seuss Week!

Starting on Monday March 4th, Sacajawea will honor Dr. Seuss by featuring a book a day written by him.  Each day will have a book theme and a dress up activity to go along with the book.  Start picking your outfits now to join in the fun!  Of course, on Tuesday, we will continue our celebration with our Family Reading Night starting at 6pm.  It should be a great week!

Una sala estará dedicada a cuentos leídos en español.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


Last Wednesday, the students of Sacajawea Elementary were thrilled to see the snow.  Here are some pictures of them enjoying it.

Sacajawea's Reading Night is Coming!

Mark your calendars now for Sacajawea's Reading Night on March 5th from 6:00pm to 7:30pm.  There will be two sessions starting at 6:00pm and 6:30pm.  Attendees will get to listen to stories and participate in reading activities.  They will get a free book and enjoy hot chocolate and cookies.  Also, feel free to wear your pjs!  It should be a great night!
Marque su calendario ahora! Noche de lectura de Dr. Seuss 
Martes, 5 de marzo de 6:00-7:30 - Dos sesiones: 6:00 y 6:30
Escuchar historias y hacer actividades de lectura.  Consigue un libro gratis. Siéntense libre de usar sus pjs!Entonces disfruta de chocolate caliente y galletas!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Clases de Inglés Gratis para Familias de Caldwell ~ Free English Classes for Caldwell Families

Acompáñanos los martes y jueves en la escuela Sacajawea para clases de inglés gratis. Invitamos a todos los miembros de la comunidad a participar en esta gran oportunidad de crecimiento! También pueden aprovechar el cuidado de niño gratis!

Cuando: martes y jueves
Horario: 6PM a 8PM

Para mas informacion contacten a Hortensia Hernandez, o 208-455-3333


Join us on Tuesdays and Thursdays for free English Classes at Sacajawea Elementary. We would like to invite everyone in our community to participate in this great opportunity! Plus, you can take advantage of free childcare!

When: Tuesday and Thursdays
Time: 6PM to 8PM

For more information please contact Hortencia Hernandez, or 208-455-3333

Friendship - From The Eyes of our Kindergarteners

Kindergarteners are wonderful little people.  Here is an acrostic poem on FRIENDSHIP that they put together in our extended kindergarten program.  It pretty much sums it all up.  "Noodles for All!"

Monday, February 11, 2019

Resources at Your Fingertips during Parent Teacher Conferences ~ Sacajawea presenta los recursos a su alcance durante las conferencias

Sacajawea Community School presents Resources at Your Fingertips during Parent Teacher Conferences./ Escuela para la Comunidad “Sacajawea” presenta los recursos a su alcance durante las conferencias de padres y maestros.

We invite all of our families to take time during the week of parent teacher conferences to join us Wednesday, February 13th from 4:00 p.m to 8:00 p.m to connect with a number of community organizations. There will be information from community organizations that will be providing a direct service and or providing information on their programs. There will also be information on what is happening at Sacajawea.

We know that not everyone’s conference will be during the time of the event, that is why we encourage everyone to take the time to come back and take advantage of these services. For those of you whose conference falls between these times, give yourself a few minutes before or after to visit with our community partners.

Community Partners that will be in attendance:
Terry Reilly, Saint Alphonsus, Delta Dental, Canyon Hill Community Garden, 4-H, Department of Labor,Caldwell Rec, Life Counseling, Caldwell YMCA, College of Western Idaho, University of Idaho 4-H Extension, Centro de Comunidad y Justicia, Southwest District Health, Northwest Nazarene University Counseling Department, Eat Smart Idaho, Boise State- High School Equivalency Program.

Invitamos a todas las familias a tomar tiempo durante la semana de conferencias de padres y maestros a unirse a nosotros el miércoles, 13 de febrero a partir de las 4:00 pm a 8:00 pm a conectar con una serie de organizaciones de la comunidad. Habrá información de la YMCA, Universidad de Idaho Centro de Extensión 4H, y Caldwell Parks and Rec. Delta Dental y Terry Reilly Servicios de Salud estarán ofreciendo exámenes médicos y dentales, También habrá información sobre lo que está sucediendo en Sacajawea.

Sabemos que no todas las conferencias de nuestras familias serán durante el horario del evento, es por eso que les pedimos a todos que nos acompañen y tomen el tiempo para regresar y tomar ventaja de estos servicios. Para aquellos de ustedes cuya conferencia se sitúa entre estos tiempos, deseen unos minutos antes o después para visitar a nuestros organizaciones de la comunidad.

Las organizaciones que estarán presente:
Terry Reilly, Saint Alphonsus, Delta Dental, Canyon Hill Community Garden, 4-H, Department of Labor,Caldwell Rec, Life Counseling, Caldwell YMCA, College of Western Idaho, University of Idaho 4-H Extension, Centro de Comunidad y Justicia, Southwest District Health, Northwest Nazarene University Counseling Department, Eat Smart Idaho, Boise State- High School Equivalency Program.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Hot as Summer…Cold as Winter!

Sacajawea’s second grade students attended the play “Hot as Summer…Cold as Winter” at  Jewett Auditorium on College of Idaho’s campus.  In this play, a lonely prince challenges his staff to make him something hot as summer and cold as winter.  In the end, not only did the heroine make him a hot fudge sunday, but she also became his friend.  There were lots of laughs as the students watched this comedy.  It was definitely a fun adventure for them all. Thank you to Caldwell Fine Arts for arranging this opportunity for our students.

Sacajawea’s First Grade Students Celebrate the 100th Day of School!

One day last week was the 100th day of school.  To celebrate, the first grade students drew 100 objects, counted by 10’s to 100, decorated 100 day crowns, made necklaces with 100 Fruit Loops, and counted different objects to make 100.  This celebration helps reinforce counting to 100 by ones and tens and it is a lot of fun for the students.


Sacajawea Students Attend a Boise Philharmonic Orchestra Concert

On February 7th, 100 students from the Sacajawea's fourth and fifth grades traveled to Brandt Auditorium on the NNU campus.  They attended the "Children's Concert" as presented by the Boise Philharmonic Orchestra. This was a great opportunity for our students to experience some wonderful music and to have a concert experience.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Read, Sing and Play With Your Young Learner ~ Leer, Cantar y Jugar Con Su Pequeño Alumno

All of us know that reading every day with our kids is a huge benefit to them.  Sometimes it's hard to come up with creative ideas. 

This website ( is a great resource for families with young learners.  There is a new story from TumbleBooks every day and there is also a song to sing and ideas for crafts, art or STEM activities.  There is a different option for every day of the year.

It looks like a great match for PK, Kinder, and 1st grade.  Try it out and let us know what you think.

If you love it, thanks go out to the Idaho Library Commission [I suppose they do, even if you don't like it].  Find more resources at your very own Caldwell Public Library.

At the bottom there is a link for a Spanish Version.
Todos sabemos que leer todos los días con nuestros hijos es un gran beneficio para ellos. A veces es difícil encontrar ideas creativas.

Este sitio web ( es un gran recurso para familias con pequeños alumnos. Hay una nueva historia de TumbleBooks cada día y también hay una canción para cantar e ideas para manualidades, arte o actividades STEM. Hay una opción diferente para cada día del año.

En la parte inferior hay un enlace para una versión en español.

Parece un gran partido para PK, Kinder y 1er grado. Pruébalo y dinos lo que piensas.

Si te gusta, gracias a la Comisión de la Biblioteca de Idaho. [Supongo que sí, incluso si no te gusta]. Encuentre más recursos en su propia biblioteca pública de Caldwell.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Preschoolers Love Science

Caldwell School District has some great preschool options.  These preschoolers at Sacajawea did a little experiment with chemical reactions this week.  Wonder!