Monday, July 27, 2015

What Sac Teachers Did This Summer - Learning

Like our students and families, the summer schedule for our teachers is a little different.  We get some flexibility to do some things we don't get to do the rest of the year.  We love vacation as much as our students do.  We need to be refreshed before we can jump into a new year (We are almost ready).  We'll do some other posts about the fun things and adventures we have had this summer.  If you dropped by a local coffee shop in June or July (Thanks to The Bird Stop and The Flying M) you might have bumped into a few Sacajawea teachers.  We have read three different books this summer and have met to discuss the main ideas and how we can use them.

The books we have read are:
  • Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning by John Hattie
  • How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character by Paul Tough
  • Teach Like a Pirate: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator by Dave Burgess
Several of us also attended professional conferences this summer. Hundreds of Caldwell teachers worked on math and English and language arts during the CSD curriculum institutes in June.  I was lucky to be able to attend the "Visible Learning" institute with several teachers from Sacajawea and from other Caldwell schools. We were challenged but I think we brought back some great ideas.  The collaborative learning atmosphere was one of the best professional learning experiences I have had with our staff.  We are excited about putting our ideas into action.
Sacajawea Teachers at the Visible Learning Institute

Five Skyhawk teachers and I also attended the Southwest Idaho Google for Education Summit at Idaho State University.  Again, we gathered many new ideas.  We look forward to sharing what we learned with other teachers on August 6th.
Mrs. Friddle and Mrs. Saunders Learn About New Tools

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Registration - August 7th - 7AM to 6PM

Registration for ALL (new and returning) elementary students will be on Friday, August 7th at Sacajawea.  A parent must be present to sign papers.

Registration will be open from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Friday, August 7th.

New students to Sacajawea should bring the following:
1) Proof of address (a current utility bill or lease agreement)
2) Official Birth Certificate
3) Immunization Records

We look forward to seeing all of you, as we prepare for school to begin on August 19th.

La inscripción para TODOS estudiantes (nuevos y que regresan) será el Viernes, 7 de agosto a las Sacajawea. Los padres deben estar presentes para firmar los papeles.

La inscripción estará de 7:00 am a 6:00 pm el 7 de agosto.

Los nuevos estudiantes a Sacajawea deben traer lo siguiente:
1) Comprobante de domicilio (una cuenta de utilidad o un contrato de arrendamiento )
2) Certificado oficial de Nacimiento
3) Cartilla de Vacunación

Esperamos verlos a todos ustedes, mientras nos preparamos para la escuela para comenzar el 19 de agosto.