Sunday, November 18, 2012

Families Learning and Reading Together at Sacajawea

Mayor Nancolis Reads Seuss To A Group
Fall Family Reading night was a big success! The students, parents and siblings from Sacajawea Elementary had the opportunity to learn reading skills with teachers, principals, community volunteers and The Mayor of Caldwell this past Tuesday. Two hundred seventy five Children and parents received bookmarks, free books, ice cream and reading skills to help build comprehension.

Make a Splash at Sacajawea

Learning a swimming technique
Each third grader in the Caldwell School District participates in weekly swim and water safety lessons through a collaborative project with the Caldwell Family Y. We believe this program helps our students build self-confidence and leads to academic success. Lessons are provided at all different levels, based on the water skills that our students showed at their first session in September. Many of our students were uncomfortable even getting near the pool during that first session. It seemed like a very scary place for them. Now, they are having fun and they know what they need to do to stay safe in the water. Some students who already started with some swimming skills are already swimming whole laps in the deep pool and are learning the different strokes. It is impressive how much our kids have grown in the last few weeks. They have been asked to try some difficult tasks and they have stepped up to the challenge. The last session of the Make a Splash program for our kids will be on December 5th.
Our 3rd grade boys march in to meet their swim instructors

Smiles abound in the water

A water safety lesson

Thursday, November 15, 2012

5th Grade Orchestra Demonstration

First grade students at Sacajawea enjoyed listening to the fifth grade orchestra perform a variety of melodies

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Boise Art Museum Comes to Sacajawea

This month the first grade classes at Sacajawea are being visited by B.A.M. (Boise Art Museum). Each class will get to spend time exploring the theme of community through art, both visual and experiential.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The NED Show Comes To SAC

On Tuesday, November 6th, we will have the opportunity to have a fantastic learning assembly for all of our students.

The NED Show is an innovative, character education assembly. Using humor, storytelling, audience participation and amazing object lessons including yo-yo and magic tricks
students learn through the adventures of NED, a character kids (and adults) can relate to. His name is an acronym for:
  • Never Give Up
  • Encourage Others
  • Do Your Best
The NED Program uses a multi-sensory learning model to motivate, encourage and inspire students to become Champions at school and in life.

After the show, and in the week after the show, students will have an opportunity to purchase NED-related items such as yo-yos. This is one way this assembly is funded.

Parent letters explaining this are being sent home this week.