Sunday, February 21, 2021

Behind The Scenes - Mr. Cox - A Sacajawea Workshop Paraprofessional


A shout out to one of our workshop paraprofessionals, Mr. Cox.  He works with a small group of kids at each grade level.  He doesn't have a classroom of his own, but works on targeted skills with kids behind the scenes, especially looking towards academic growth.  

This man brings so much joy to the classroom with his funny stories, animated teaching, and the connections he makes with the kids as he's building relationships and their self-esteem (to the max!).

He has been running small intervention groups with all ages, even during remote learning.  

Here's what some of our kids had to say:

  • "He's enthusiastic! He ties reality and fantasy together!" -S.A.W.
  • "He's the best because he helps us learn and is inspirational." -L.H
  • "He's inspirational because he makes everything fun!" -D.W.
  • "He helps us with our reading by answering our questions." -A.P.

It really takes a team of people who work behind the scenes to make a school run.  Mr. Cox is a good example of how enthusiasm and relationship can make a difference.

Thanks, Mr. Cox, and our crew of parapros who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make great things happen for kids.

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