Monday, April 13, 2015

Show What You Know! Ready for ISAT 2.0

On Friday, April 10 the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students and their teachers got together to hold a pep rally for the upcoming ISAT 2.0 test.  The purpose of the pep rally was to build momentum for the testing and set goals for the students to try their hardest. Each grade level shared a skit, chant, or cheer to show their excitement.

  • 3rd grade did a Perseverance Chant while holding signs reminding students to keep trying and always do their best.
  • 4th and 5th grade teachers put on a skit teaching students the proper way to prepare for the test: get a good nights sleep,  have a positive attitude, eat a healthy breakfast, and come to school on time.
  • 4th grade ended the rally with an ISAT cheer sang to the tune of YMCA.
Please help keep the excitement for testing going at home.  Remind your child to do their best, ask them how the test went, and praise them when they show you the perseverance awards they are earning during testing. 

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